map and filter is outputting an array of outcomes and not expected value

I am a little confused on the output of my variable ‘ready’ where I was hoping it will take the correct value from the json, which I was expecting to be ‘true’ but comes back with an array ['false', 'true'] and so it doesn’t go into the condition set. Does anyone know what it’s displaying an array with possible outcomes and not the value which I expect to be true?

Example JSON

      "data": {
        "competition": [
            "events": [
                "field": [
                    "ready": "true",
                    "__typename": "Field"
                    "ready": "true",
                    "__typename": "Field"
                    "ready": "true",
                    "__typename": "Field"
                "__typename": "Event"
                "field": [
                    "ready": "true",
                    "__typename": "Field"
                    "ready": "true",
                    "__typename": "Field"
                    "ready": "true",
                    "__typename": "Field"
                "__typename": "Event"
            "__typename": "Competition"


export function dailyListConverter(list) {
      const ready = JSON.parse(list)
        .data.competition[0].events.filter((event) => event.field)
        .map((event) => event.field[0].ready);
      if (ready === "true") {
console.log("I'M HERE")
      console.log("OUTSIDE CONDITIONS")