To avoid null/undefined references: when to use a Safe Navigation Operator (?.) and when to use a Logical AND (&&) operator?

Consider that I have an array of objects property (say arrThatCouldBeNullOrUndefined: SomeType[]) in my angular component.

I want to perform some array operation (say filter() operation) on it and store the value in some other property (say filteredArr: SameType[]) as shown below

this.filteredArr = => this.someFilterCondition(item));

To avoid any TypeErrors (i.e., any undefined or null references) I could choose either of the below approches to write the code.

Approach 1: Use a Safe operator (?.)

this.filteredArr = this.arrThatCouldBeNullOrUndefined?.data?.filter(item => this.someFilterCondition(item));


Approach 2: Use logical and operator (&&)

if(this.arrThatCouldBeNullOrUndefined && {
    this.filteredArr = => this.someFilterCondition(item))

My Queries:

  1. When should we use the either of the approaches?
  2. Which approach is the best to follow (or avoid) by default?