Mongodb get list of IDs for only the array objects that were updated

Here is an example of my collection “messages”.

  _id: xxx,
  shipment: {
   _id: xxx
  messages: [
      _id: 123,
      origin: 'driver'
      isRead: false,
      _id: 234,
      origin: 'driver'
      isRead: false,
      _id: 345,
      origin: 'driver'
      isRead: true,
      _id: 456,
      origin: 'dispatch'
      isRead: false,

I’m updating the array objects using the following code which works great, however this returns the entire document back with all array objects, and I need to return a list of only the objects that were updated so I can pull a list of their IDs.

const message = await MessageModel.findOneAndUpdate(
  _id: messageId
  $set: {
    'messages.$[elem].isRead': true
  arrayFilters: [{
    'elem.isRead': false,
    'elem.origin': 'driver'
  new: true

Output I need in some form so I can grab the IDs that were updated to process further:

messages: [
      _id: 123,
      origin: 'driver'
      isRead: true,
      _id: 234,
      origin: 'driver'
      isRead: true,

const ids = [123,234];

I understand it’s returning the entire document, but I can’t figure out the best route to grab only what’s updated without doing multiple queries and comparing.

I tried working with aggregate but am new to that and can’t figure it out.

Any help greatly appreciated on the best route.