set static values for functions in Google Sheets automatically

I need an Apps Script function that automatically converts function output in cells in Google sheets, into a static value (function -> text).

I am specifically looking for a function that monitors/acts upon an array of cells H2:AV250 or more….

It doesn’t matter if the function sets static values of 1 cell, 3 cells or a row of cells at a time – but it must only maximally convert 1 row at a time.



The set.value function has to be executed by the completion of a function ((function creating an output) – automatically


The execution should be immediate (1-3 sec.)
(If converting a row or nearly a row 1-10 sec. is good)

All the functions in the range H2:AV250 are linked together using IF-functions, so they execute sequencially = h2-i2-j2-k2-l2…av2-h3-i3-j3-k3-l3…av3-h4… etc.

  • the functions will only execute if the cell its IF-function is referring to, has completed…

Functions waiting to be executed display “wait”, and should not be converted to static values:

Fix is = const skipStrings = [“wait”];

If you know of an app, google extension, program or any alternative that fixes this, that will be enough (I have searched for hours without finding anything…)

  • If not, any help with my Apps Script would be greatly appreciated

I cannot paste a spreadsheet link here since it contains OpenAI functions that can run me up a bill – but if you want a test-sheet from me – I will make one


Here are a few examples of my approaches

OnEdit: These require edits by the ‘user’ of the sheet to fire and don’t work

OnChange: These work in principle but I run into the following problems;

Function 1)

  • I made a standard OnChange function that surveys the cell range H2:AV250, for any function completion

    • It fired, but only after the first 25 functions were completed, and when it fired, it would

convert the completed functions into static values, but for some reason the last 5-8 functions,

would display “#ERROR!”, even though, they had completed their execution and had a different output

before the convertion to static values.

Function 2)

  • I then tried making the OnChange function survey the column AV for the output “Ready”

    • The functions in column AV outputs “Ready” when the function in, for example, AU2, has completed

      • Given the sequencial execution of the functions, a completed function in column AU2, means that the whole array of functions in cells H2:AU2 has completed.
  • Upon the output of “Ready” in the column AV, the OnChange function should convert the corresponding row of the cell, of where the output “Ready” was made, into static values


This approach worked but stalled the OnChange function for up to 4 minutes before executing.


Function 1)

function onChange(e) {
  if (e.changeType !== 'EDIT') return;

  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  const range = sheet.getRange("H2:AV300");
  const formulas = range.getFormulas();
  const values = range.getValues();

  for (let row = 0; row < formulas.length; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < formulas[row].length; col++) {
      // Add a condition to exclude cells containing "wait" and "Processing"
      if (values[row][col] !== "wait" && values[row][col] !== "Processing") {
        if (formulas[row][col]) {
          range.getCell(row + 1, col + 1).setValue(values[row][col]);

Function 2)

function setupProperties() {
  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
  const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
  let properties = {};

  for (let row = 1; row <= lastRow; row++) {
    let cellValue = sheet.getRange('AV' + row).getValue();
    properties['AV' + row] = cellValue || '';


function onChange(e) {
  if (e.changeType !== 'EDIT') return;
  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
  const scriptProps = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
  for (let row = 1; row <= lastRow; row++) {
    let cellAddress = 'AV' + row;
    let currentValue = sheet.getRange(cellAddress).getValue();
    let storedValue = scriptProps.getProperty(cellAddress);

    if (currentValue !== storedValue) {
      scriptProps.setProperty(cellAddress, currentValue || '');

      if (currentValue === 'Ready') {
        convertRangeToStatic(sheet, row);
        sheet.getRange(row, 49).setValue('Ready'); // Column 49 is AW

function convertRangeToStatic(sheet, row) {
  const range = sheet.getRange(row, 8, 1, 41); // Range from H:AV