Marking a try / catch as async in typescript / javascript?

I am having problems getting the below code to go into the catch block on error,

try {
} catch (error) {

if “doSomething” returns a promise / runs asynchronous code.

doSomething() {
    return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
        this.MySubscription = this.myService.fetchUserDataFromDB().subscribe({
            next: (val: any) => {
                this.userData = val

            }, error: (error) => {
                let uiErrorMsg = 'Failed to fetch user data';
                let consoleErrorMsg = 'Error occurred when calling backend API fetchUserDataFromDB';
                if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
                    consoleErrorMsg += ` | Status: ${error.status} ${error.statusText} | URL: ${error.url}`;
                const consoleError = new Error(consoleErrorMsg);

                if(error?.status != 401) {
                    const data = [{ title: 'Alert', message: [uiErrorMsg] }, { okButtonTitle: 'Close' }]
                    let dialogRef: any =, {data});
                    // await firstValueFrom(dialogRef.afterClosed())


Some places I need to call this.doSomething() not caring exactly when it finishes, other places I do care, and in those cases put the word await in front when I want the code to wait until it finishes before it proceeds to the next line.

await this.doSomething();

There is apparently a way to catch the errors of a promise without awaiting for it, but it’s in a different syntax:

this.doSomething().catch(error => {

So where I need to wait for it to finish I use try/catch with “await” as one would expect, but when I don’t care when it finishes I am needing to call it with “.catch()” instead of try/catch to catch the errors.

Is there any plan to allow marking a try block as async, so that we can keep try/catch syntax in both scenarios, so we don’t need two different syntaxes and can be more consistent with other programming languages where try/catches reliably go in the catch blocks when they are expected to?

Such as something like

try async {
} catch (error) {


try {
    await this.doSomething()
} catch (error) {


Luckily the purpose of my try catch was simply to handle printing of error messages in a visually pleasing manner. But I can imagine this causing a lot of frustration for someone who was relying on their catch block being entered regardless of whether they called their function with “await” or not.

Is there a way to make a try/catch asynchronous or do we need to maintain both .catch() syntax and try/catch syntax?

(I am using typescript 4.9.5, rxjs 7.8.1)