Create URL to unloaded mock-image in browser to simulate actual loading

In short, I would like to create a lazy-loaded-mock-image-src-url in browser. This is in order to simulate the loading of an image, to see how it loads.

Here is how I would like the flow to work, all done in-browser.

  1. Create a URL using URL.createObjectURL, canvas.toDataURL or similar, where the actual image that the returned url refers to, is not loaded yet (just like a real scenario).
  2. Pass the returned url that refers to the unloaded image to an html-img-tag.
  3. The image does not (visibly) load in the html-img-tag.
  4. Trigger a load of the image (that the url refers to) (preferably using some JS function) after some delay.
  5. The actual image is (visibly) shown in the html-img-tag.

I have managed to create a src string in the browser that refers to an image, that is passed to an html-img-tag, BUT the image loads instantly.

const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// ...create the image using getContext, fillRect etc...
const url = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');

How can I make sure the image that the url refers to is not loaded initially?

Is it better to use URL.createObjectURL or some other method instead?

Is it at all possible?

PS. I don’t want to edit the html-img-tag, using onload method as the img is a 3rd party component.