Unknown Error: Warning: Attempted to synchronously unmount a root while React was already rendering

I created a generic Carousel, and one of the sub components causes errors when I test it with vitest and @testing-library/react

Here is my sub component that causes errors : (CarouselContent) :

const CarouselContent = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>(({className, ...props}, ref) => {
    const {carouselRef, orientation} = useCarousel();

    return (
        <div ref={carouselRef} className='flex justify-center overflow-hidden'>
                className={clsx("flex", orientation === "horizontal" ? "-ml-4" : "-mt-4 flex-col", className)}

Here is my test :

import {render, screen} from "@testing-library/react";
import {Carousel, CarouselContent, CarouselItem} from "ui/components/Carousel/Carousel";

it("renders Carousel component and navigates through items", () => {
                <CarouselItem>Item 1</CarouselItem>
                <CarouselItem>Item 2</CarouselItem>
                <CarouselItem>Item 3</CarouselItem>


If I remove <CarouselContent> it works. But of course, I need it later in my web pages.

Here is the errors I get :

 FAIL  src/__tests__/components/Carousel/Carousel.test.tsx > renders Carousel component and navigates through items
Unknown Error: Error: Uncaught [TypeError: undefined is not a function]

FAIL  src/__tests__/components/Carousel/Carousel.test.tsx > renders Carousel component and navigates through items
Unknown Error: Warning: Attempted to synchronously unmount a root while React was already rendering. React cannot finish unmounting the root until the current render has completed, which may lead to a race condition.%s

Vitest caught 2 unhandled errors during the test run.
This might cause false positive tests. Resolve unhandled errors to make sure your tests are not affected.

Error: Should not already be working.