Component causing elements with wire:transition in other component to disappear

In my application I added a second component to a view only to find an element within the first component would disappear whenever a property in the second component was changed.

I’ve stripped the problem back to its basics in a brand new Laravel app and the unexpected behaviour is still present. Here’s my code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <livewire:test />
    <livewire:test2 />

Component 1:


namespace AppLivewire;

use LivewireComponent;

class Test extends Component
  public function render()
      return view('livewire.test');

Component 1 view:

    <strong>First component</strong>
        <div wire:transition>
            Element <em>with</em> `wire:transition` attribute.
            Element <em>without</em> `wire:transition` attribute.

Component 2:


namespace AppLivewire;

use LivewireComponent;

class Test2 extends Component
    public $value = true;

    public function changeValue()
        $this->value = !$this->value;

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.test2');

Component 2 view:

<div wire:click="changeValue">
    @if($value == true)
            <button>Second component.</button>

Whenever the ‘changeValue’ method is run the element in component 1 with the wire:transition attribute disappears.

I’ve created a quick repo with a vanilla Laravel install to show the problem here: