Get url for next and previous post from nested JSON file

I am building a markdown blog using React. I want to add the next and previous post buttons in the footer of the post page. Here is the code-


    <Route path='/blog'>
              <Route index element={<BlogPage />} />
              <Route path=":ID" element={<Postpage/>}/>

city.json file-

    "header": "Michigan ",
    "id": "MI",
    "PlaceList": [
        "city": "Detroit",
        "url": "/url-for-detroit-city"
        "city": "Lansing ",
        "url": "/url-for-lansing-city"
   { "header": "Iowa ",
    "id": "IA",
    "PlaceList": [
        "city": "Ames",
        "url": "/url-for-ames-city"
        "city": "Davenport ",
        "url": "/url-for-davenport-city"


    import { useParams } from "react-router-dom"
    import city from './city.json'
    import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
    import Markdown from "react-markdown"
    const Postpage = () => {
        //Get ID from URL
        const { ID } = useParams()
        // Create a flat map
        const allPosts = city.flatMap(({ header, id, PlaceList }) =>
   => ({
                sectionName: header,
                sectionId: id,
        // Filter by url
        const filterPosts = allPosts.filter(({ url }) => url.trim() === id);
        const [page, setPage] = useState(1)
        const [posts, setPosts] = useState('')
        //Get the post body
        useEffect(() => {
// the markdown files are named accordingly so that they match with ${id}
                .then(res => {
                        .then(res => res.text())
                        .then(res => setPosts(res))
                        .catch(err => console.log(err));
                .catch(err => console.log(err));
    //get the next & previous post
        const nextPage = () => setPage(prev => prev +1)
        const prevPage = () => setPage(prev => prev - 1)
        return (
                <button className="float-left text-teal-600" onClick={prevPage} disabled={page === 1}>Prev Page</button>
            <button className="float-right text-teal-600" onClick={nextPage} disabled={!allPosts.length}>Next Page</button>
    export default Postpage

The article shows up properly, here is the example page-
enter image description here

However, the previous and next buttons do not work. I would like to get the URL of the next/previous article from the JSON file and get the post. And if it hits the end (aka no previous or next article available) I would like them to disappear or grayed out

enter image description here
Any help would be highly appreciated and thanks in advance.