Dynamics 365 Portal Form Show Hide Field based on Check Box Value

I’m having an issue getting Java Script to work for a Dynamics 365 portal form.

The code is supposed to show hide an address field on the form when the option for physical subscriber is selected. This is a yes no Boolean.

Here is the code:

`$(document).ready(function () {
    // Bind the onDisplaySectionChange function to the change event of the element with ID "ds_VoiceSubscriber".
    // Calling onDisplaySectionChange immediately when the page loads.
// Function to show or hide fields and tabs based on the selected value.
function onDisplaySectionChange() {
    var selectedValue = GetRadioSelectedValue($('#ds_VoiceSubscriber'));
    if (selectedValue === "1") {
        // Show the parent of the element with ID "Address1_Line1".
    } else {
        // Hide the parent of the element with ID "Address1_Line1".
// Function to get the selected value of a radio button group.
GetRadioSelectedValue = function (input) {
    if (!!$(input).find("input[type=radio]")) {
        var controlName = $(input).find("input[type=radio]").first().attr("name");
        if (!!controlName) {
            return $("input[name='" + controlName + "']:checked").val();
    return "";