Javascript callbacks fundamentals from C# point of view

Please help me understand two thing about callbacks. They are the last JS weirdness left for me that I can’t grasp having strong C# background.

First – why should we send function as parameters. I know that we can, but why. I will try the simplest example I can think of. So according to the JS developers it should be like this:

function simpleCallbackFn (){}

function simpleCallerFn (cb){ cb();}

simpleCallerFn (simpleCallbackFn);

Why not like this:

function simpleCallbackFn (){} // Same as before

function simpleCallerFn (){ simpleCallbackFn ();}  

We do not pass a callback, we simply call it from within the caller. It is within perfectly visible scope. Then we just make the initial call.

simpleCallerFn ();

Calling the “callback” function from within the caller function to me should be perfectly fine and achieve the same result.

Second – say I need to use callback with arguments

function simpleCallbackFn (anArgument){}

function simpleCallerFn (cb){ 

We know that this will not work
simpleCallerFn (simpleCallbackFn(anArgument));

According to the JS developers it should be like this:

simpleCallerFn (() => simpleCallbackFn(anArgument));

I am thinking why not:

function simpleCallbackFn (anArgument){}

function simpleCallerFn (anArgument, cb){ 

Then make the initial call like this:

simpleCallerFn (anArgument, simpleCallbackFn);

Please. That Javascript makes me fell like in freak’s circus.

Thank you.