Is there a way to make the balls generate at random positions within the canvas?

function setup()
 createCanvas(800, 600);

//other code has been omitted

function generateRandomBalls() {

    var numRows = 5; // we have 4 rows, 5 including the top row
    var radius = 8;
    var startX = Math.random();
    var startY = Math.random();

    for (var row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
        for (var i = 0; i <= row; i++) {
            var xOffset = row * (sqrt(3) * radius);
            var yOffset = row * (radius * 3) / 2;
            var x = startX + xOffset;
            var y = startY - i * (radius * 3) + yOffset;

            var ball =, y, 11, {
                restitution: 1,
                friction: 0.5,
                render: { fillStyle: 'red' }, // we set the color of the ball to red
                velocity: { x: 1, y: 2 },
                //collisionFilter: { group: 0x0002 }
            Body.setAngle(ball, PI / 2); // we change the angle from -PI/2 to PI/2 to flip the triangle

    World.add(, balls);

The code should make the positions of the red balls are within the canvas at random but always remain with a grid-style (triangle style) shape, so that every time the game starts, it start at a random position of the canvas.