A Links redirecting to directory error but files in directory exist

i made a navigation bar and somehow my a link elements inside of it are not redirecting me to the given files. This is made in replit.



        <a href="#">Home</a>
        <a href="./frontend/features.html">Features</a>
        <a href="./frontend/pricing.html">Pricing</a>
        <a href="./frontend/contact.html">Contact</a>
        <a href="./frontend/">Login</a>


const express = require("express");

const app = express();

app.get('/', function(req,res) {
  res.sendFile("./index.html", { root: "./frontend" });
  console.log("ooga booga")


Picture of directory: directory

ive tried multiple ways of getting the frontend folder:

./frontend/ /frontend/ frontend/

I expected myself being able to click on the a element buttons and the file being shown

i get an error that reads: Cannot GET /frontend/features.html