Discord create temporary channel by slash command

Hey i hope is everything okey with you reader i was trying to do a command to my discord bot that when i do /channel1 will create automatic a voice channel call channel1

if (commandName === 'channel1') {
    // Your logic for creating a temporary voice channel
    const temporaryChannelName = 'Temporary Channel'; // You can customize the channel name
    console.log('Temporary Channel Name:', temporaryChannelName);

    try {
      const channel = await interaction.guild.channels.create(temporaryChannelName, {
        type: 'GUILD_VOICE',
        name: `${temporaryChannelName}`, // Use template literal for string interpolation

      // Move the user to the newly created channel
      await interaction.member.voice.setChannel(channel);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error creating temporary channel:', error);
      interaction.reply('Unable to create a temporary channel at the moment.');

is giving DiscordAPIError[50035] Invalid body

if you have any aswer to me and help me i will thank you 🙂

when i do /channel1 will create automatic a voice channel call channel1