how to properly replace hyphen with div elements in javascript

I have the following text stackoverflow-is-the-best-site-in-the-world by hyphen. I need to replace those hyphen and surround each text within div tags as per result sample below

<div class='cssx'>stackoverflow</div>
<div class='cssx'>is</div>
<div class='cssx'>the</div>
<div class='cssx'>best</div>
<div class='cssx'>in</div>
<div class='cssx'>the</div>
<div class='cssx'>world</div>

In PHP I can get it working as follow.

$str ="stackoverflow-is-the-best-site-in-the-world";
echo $output = str_replace('-', "<div class='cssx'></div>", $str);


Here is my issue. I need to get it working with javascript. To this effect, I have leveraged solution here

but cannot get it to work.

here is the code so far.

const str ="stackoverflow-is-the-best-site-in-the-world";

var output = "<div class='cssx'>" + 
"text.replace(/-/g, "</div><div class='cssx'>", str)" +
