How can I create a newsletter signup similar to smartwater?

Sorry in advance if this is a dumb question.

I’m a beginner coder and having trouble creating a newsletter signup similar to Smartwater or Monster Energy Drink. They have their sign-up located in the footer, and once you enter your information, it gives you a confirmation message without redirecting you to a different page. I am trying to emulate that design but am stuck with the Javascript and CSS transitions.


<section class="footerForm" style="padding: 10px;" id="newsletterSignup">
                <form action="welcome.php" method="post">
                <legend><h1 style="color:#443627;">Come Along!</h1>Sign Up to our newsletter to hear our latest updates, promotions, and more.</legend><br>
                <label for="email">Email Address*</label><br>
                <input type="email" name="email" id="email" required="required"><br>
                <label for="dob">Date Of Birth*</label><br>
                <select name="dob" size="1" required="required" id="month">
                <select name="dob" size="1" required="required" id="day">
                <select name="dob" size="1" required="required" id="year">
                <label for="tos">I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of AguaVida</label>
                <input type="checkbox" id="tos" name="tos"> <br>
                <input type="button" value="Submit" class="button" id="newsletterButton">
            <div class="confirmationNews">
                        <h3>You're all set! Wait for a confirmation email.</h3>


@keyframes disappear{
        opacity: 100%;
        display: block;
        opacity: 0%;

@keyframes appear{
        opacity: 0%;
        opacity: 100%;
        display: flex;

So far this is what I have. I have tried removing the action of “welcome.php”, but it still attempts to redirect the user to a page that doesn’t exist. I am stuck creating an appropiate css animation or javascript file that can allow me to show a confirmation message without changing the page. I want to confirm that they signed up while they aren’t redirected to a different page (if that makes sense, my wording isn’t the best).

All the help is appreciated.