Needing a way to do conditional logic for products in woocommerce

I have several products and some of them are variable products. I need a way to have it shown on the front end that when a customer picks a certain option it shows other options but hides the ones that aren’t needed. For instance, I have a product that is a rebuild kit. There are many variations and attributes. The attributes are gauge, manufacturer, model, shot, and style. Not all of the products use the shot and the style attributes, so I need to hide those when that certain variation is chosen. I have added an image image of variations to show what I am talking about. the x’s are the attributes that I need to hide when that variation is chosen. I have searched for plugins to help with this but haven’t been successful. It seems that this needs to be custom coded.

I have tried several plugins and they are only for new products. I dont want to have to redo every product on the site that needs this functionality.