Set default value in a “destination” sortable rank_list group in R Shiny App

I am using the R package sortable in a Shiny App in a similar way as described in this SO post, with the aim of drag-and-dropping values from one “source” rank_list to a “destination” rank_list.

I am facing the following issue : when the app starts, I would like the “destination” rank_list to be already filled with one of the value of the “source” rank_list. This means for the example here below that when the app starts the “Destination” box on the right already contains e.g. the “b” value.

Is it possible to achieve this ? How ? I guess there is probably a js solution, but I am really a newbie…

Thanks in advance for any help


ui <- fluidPage(
      width = 6,
    column( width =6,
              text = "Destination",
              labels = c(),
              input_id = "other_rank",
              options = sortable_options(group = "my_shared_group"))

server <- function(input,output) {
  # Fixed Items as reactive
  rankvars = reactive({
    # Fixed Items
    fixedItems = c("a", "b", "c", "d")
    # used 
    used = c()
    used = c(unique(input$other_rank))
    # refill the list with unique items
    unique(c(setdiff(fixedItems, used),used))
  # Make the main rank as a reactive object
  output$main_rank = renderUI({
        text = "Source",
        labels = rankvars(), #colnames(Memory$data), #sample(paste0("list item ", 1:5)),
        input_id = "main_list",
        # be sure to have the same group name
        options = sortable_options(group = "my_shared_group")

shinyApp(ui, server)