Discord/node.js regex match, replace string, extract replaced string

Firstly, I’m a total noob to node.js and coding but have been teaching myself so apologies if this is just totally stupid/simple.

The intention is, someone posts a twitter link, the bot takes the message content, replaces twitter.com/x.com with “fxtwitter.com”, extracts the corrected URL and posts it in the channel, replying to the user.

I’ve managed to get this working fine by having the bot send content: twitterReplace but obviously that quotes the whole message, I only want the URL.

So far I have this. I hope you can see what I’m trying to do here. I’m not even sure if let twitterReplaced = twitterReplace is actually needed.

Bear with me…..

client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
  const twitterTest = new RegExp(/b(httpsb://(x.com/|twitter.com/))(.*/status)/gm);
  if (message.author.bot) return;
  if (
  ) {
    let twitterReplace = message.content.replace(
    let twitterReplaced = twitterReplace
    let twitterCut = new RegExp(/gb(httpsb://(fxtwitter.com)).+?(?=?)/gm)
    let twitterFixed = twitterCut.match(twitterReplaced) 
    message.reply({content: twitterFixed, allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});

However the above gives an error that an empty message can’t be sent.

Any help is greatly appreciated.