How to syntax highlight nested text with Prism in this language?

I have a CodeSandbox here, which shows this:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { PrismLight as Code } from "react-syntax-highlighter";

// Code.registerLanguage('xml', xml)

note.displayName = "note";

/** @type {import('../core.js').Syntax} */
function note(Prism) {
  Prism.languages.note = {
    comment: {
      pattern: /# .*n?/,
      greedy: true,
    bracketed_term: {
      pattern: /{{([a-z][a-z0-9/.@*]*(?:-+[a-z0-9/.@*]+)*-*)}}/,
      greedy: true,
      alias: "string",
      inside: {
        term: {
          pattern: /([a-z][a-z0-9/.@*]*(?:-+[a-z0-9/.@*]+)*-*)/,
          greedy: true,
          alias: "tag",
    nested_term: {
      pattern: /([a-z][a-z0-9/.@*]*(?:-+[a-z0-9/.@*]+)*-*)[ (]/,
      greedy: true,
      alias: "tag",
    term: {
      pattern: /([a-z./*@][a-z0-9/.@*]*(?:-+[a-z0-9/.@*]+)*-*)/,
      greedy: true,
      alias: "keyword",
    string: {
      pattern: /(<[^<>]+>)/,
      greedy: true,
      alias: "string",
    bracket: {
      pattern: /[{}]/,
      greedy: true,
      alias: "string",
    code: {
      pattern: /#ww+/,
      greedy: true,
      alias: "number",
    number: {
      pattern: /-?bd+(?:.d+)?b/i,
      greedy: true,
    punctuation: /[{}[],]/,
    boolean: /b(?:false|true)b/,

Code.registerLanguage("note", note);

const light = {
  'code[class*="language-"]': {
    color: "#333",
    fontWeight: "bold",
    background: "none",
    fontFamily: "Noto Sans Mono",
    textAlign: "left",
    whiteSpace: "pre",
    wordSpacing: "normal",
    wordBreak: "normal",
    wordWrap: "normal",
    lineHeight: "1.7",
    MozTabSize: "2",
    OTabSize: "2",
    tabSize: "2",
    WebkitHyphens: "none",
    MozHyphens: "none",
    msHyphens: "none",
    hyphens: "none",
  'pre[class*="language-"]': {
    color: "#333",
    fontWeight: "bold",
    fontFamily: "Noto Sans Mono",
    textAlign: "left",
    whiteSpace: "pre",
    wordSpacing: "normal",
    wordBreak: "normal",
    wordWrap: "normal",
    lineHeight: "1.7",
    MozTabSize: "2",
    OTabSize: "2",
    tabSize: "2",
    WebkitHyphens: "none",
    MozHyphens: "none",
    msHyphens: "none",
    hyphens: "none",
    overflow: "auto",
  ':not(pre) > code[class*="language-"]': {
    background: "#282a36",
    whiteSpace: "normal",
  comment: {
    color: "#ccc",
    fontWeight: "normal",
  prolog: {
    color: "#6272a4",
  doctype: {
    color: "#6272a4",
  cdata: {
    color: "#6272a4",
  punctuation: {
    color: "#aaa",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  ".namespace": {
    Opacity: ".7",
  property: {
    color: "#333",
  tag: {
    color: "#333",
  constant: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  symbol: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  deleted: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  boolean: {
    color: "#3b82f6",
  number: {
    color: "#34D399",
  selector: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  "attr-name": {
    color: "#aaa",
  string: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  char: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  builtin: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  inserted: {
    color: "#9248fc",
  operator: {
    color: "#bbb",
  entity: {
    color: "#333",
    fontWeight: "bold",
    cursor: "help",
  url: {
    color: "#333",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  ".language-css .token.string": {
    color: "#333",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  ".style .token.string": {
    color: "#333",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  variable: {
    color: "#aaa",
  atrule: {
    color: "#aaa",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  "attr-value": {
    color: "#9248fc",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  function: {
    color: "#111",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  "class-name": {
    color: "#111",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  keyword: {
    color: "#999",
  regex: {
    color: "#34D399",
  important: {
    color: "#34D399",
    fontWeight: "bold",
  bold: {
    fontWeight: "bold",
  italic: {
    fontStyle: "italic",

const note3 = `deck @termsurf/base
  mark <0.0.1>
  head <A NoteText Package Manager>
  term link-text
  term computation
  term philosophy
  term information
  term platform
  term white-label
  term compiler
  face <Lance Pollard>, site <[email protected]>
  task ./task
  read ./note
  lock apache-2
  example <The moon's period is {bold(<28 days>)}
  link @termsurf/bolt, mark <0.x.x>
  link @termsurf/nest, mark <0.x.x>
  link @termsurf/crow, mark <0.x.x>`;

      height: "100%",
      padding: 16,
      margin: 0,

If you’ll see the preview, notice the “example” line:

enter image description here

How do I make it so the text is highlighted properly, so it handles “terms” nested inside strings, nested inside terms, etc., recursively? More like this:

enter image description here

How can I change the definition of the syntax highlighter above to allow nested strings within terms? Terms are as defined in the highlighter, and they can be nested with parens, like term-a(term-b, term-c(term-d, etc)). But you can have strings within terms, and terms within strings.