My react project isn’t displaying anything even though I have my components

I had a question since I am very confused on why my code isn’t running at all. I am running my react webpage on mongoDB to store data, and using nodemon to run the page. So currently my issue is that I created a navbar in which is supposed to be able to see the loginpage once you run up the sevrer and I don’t see it at all. After creating dummy data, checking the DOM, i couldn’t figure out whats bugging my code.

import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import HomePage from './Scene/homePage'; // Adjust the path as needed
import LoginPage from './Scene/loginPage'; // Adjust the path as needed
import ProfilePage from './Scene/profilePage'; // Adjust the path as needed
import { useMemo } from "react";
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { CssBaseline, ThemeProvider, createTheme } from '@mui/material';
import { themeSettings } from './theme';

function App() {
  const mode = useSelector((state) => state.mode);
  const theme = useMemo(() => createTheme(themeSettings(mode)), [mode]);
  return (
    <div className="app">
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
          <CssBaseline />
            <Route path="/" element={<LoginPage />} />
            <Route path="/home" element={<HomePage />} />
            <Route path="/profile/:userId" element={<ProfilePage />} />

export default App;

here is my app.js in wh9ich I defined all my paths

import { Box, Typography, useTheme, useMediaQuery } from "@mui/material";
import Form from "./form";

const LoginPage = () => {
  const theme = useTheme();
  const isNonMobileScreens = useMediaQuery("(min-width: 1000px)");
  return (
        p="1rem 6%"
        <Typography fontWeight="bold" fontSize="32px" color="primary">

        width={isNonMobileScreens ? "50%" : "93%"}
        m="2rem auto"
        <Typography fontWeight="500" variant="h5" sx={{ mb: "1.5rem" }}>
          Welcome to Blogit! Reinventing Blogging with style!
        <Form />

export default LoginPage;

here is my index.jsx for my loginPage in which takes a form.

import { Box } from "@mui/material";
import Navbar from "Scene/navbar"; 

const HomePage = () => {
    return (
            <Navbar />

export default HomePage;

Here is the homepage.jsx in which is supposed to display my loginpage.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.2861]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:WindowsSystem32>cd C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiT

 Volume in drive C is Windows-SSD
 Volume Serial Number is FC6D-6677

 Directory of C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiT

12/15/2023  09:14 PM    <DIR>          .
12/14/2023  10:23 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/15/2023  09:03 PM                15 .gitignore
12/14/2023  09:43 PM    <DIR>          client
12/07/2023  11:24 AM    <DIR>          node_modules
12/07/2023  11:24 AM           153,560 package-lock.json
12/07/2023  11:24 AM               226 package.json
12/08/2023  02:44 PM    <DIR>          server
               3 File(s)        153,801 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  26,916,519,936 bytes free

C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiT>cd client

 Volume in drive C is Windows-SSD
 Volume Serial Number is FC6D-6677

 Directory of C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiTclient

12/14/2023  09:43 PM    <DIR>          .
12/15/2023  09:14 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/15/2023  09:01 PM               310 .gitignore
12/14/2023  12:28 PM                88 jsconfig.json
12/14/2023  03:13 PM    <DIR>          node_modules
12/14/2023  12:19 PM           732,866 package-lock.json
12/14/2023  12:18 PM             1,180 package.json
12/14/2023  03:11 PM    <DIR>          public
12/14/2023  11:44 AM             3,359
12/15/2023  03:30 PM    <DIR>          src
               5 File(s)        737,803 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  26,915,930,112 bytes free

C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiTclient>cd sec
The system cannot find the path specified.

C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiTclient>cd src

 Volume in drive C is Windows-SSD
 Volume Serial Number is FC6D-6677

 Directory of C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiTclientsrc

12/15/2023  03:30 PM    <DIR>          .
12/14/2023  09:43 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/15/2023  03:39 PM             1,049 App.js
12/14/2023  08:59 PM    <DIR>          components
12/14/2023  12:27 PM               187 index.css
12/14/2023  03:05 PM               901 index.js
12/14/2023  03:11 PM    <DIR>          Scene
12/15/2023  03:30 PM    <DIR>          state
12/14/2023  03:05 PM             2,972 theme.js
               4 File(s)          5,109 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  26,915,930,112 bytes free

C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiTclientsrc>cd Scene

 Volume in drive C is Windows-SSD
 Volume Serial Number is FC6D-6677

 Directory of C:UsersivatuDownloadsBlogiTclientsrcScene

12/14/2023  03:11 PM    <DIR>          .
12/15/2023  03:30 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/14/2023  03:11 PM    <DIR>          homePage
12/15/2023  02:38 PM    <DIR>          loginPage
12/14/2023  03:11 PM    <DIR>          navbar
12/14/2023  03:11 PM    <DIR>          profilePage
12/14/2023  12:35 PM    <DIR>          widgets
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               7 Dir(s)  26,915,930,112 bytes free


here is the file directory if you’re wondering.