Google Maps API v3 JS: Get KML Layer featureData from entered coordinates

I have a Google Map with multiple KML files loaded, mainly polygons. I want to be able to pass a function coordinates and I need to get back the featureData, like when you click on a location. The simplest way I can describe this is to have the user enter geocoordinates, place a marker and get the KML Layer featureData for where the marker is placed. I would preferably like to do all this in JS but am open to all suggestions.

I have been crafting Google queries for hours and have found nothing that does this. I have tried all the trigger event options but obviously I can only access the Marker’s event and not the KML Layer event or details. I have also played with using DomEvents and screen x,y coordinates and simulating a click but this did not work either, also it did not work with receiving geo coordinates but I was desperate.