why is my reducer function getting called multiple times?

my reducer function as per seen the code below, is getting called multiple times causing my incremention to be worng and increment by margins of 2.
i am running this in strictmode so i know it renders one more time to be safe. but it shouldnt affect the state/

export const ItemContext = createContext();
export const CartItemContext = createContext();

function reducer(state,action){
  if(action.type === "increment-quantity")
    state[action.mealIndex][1] +=1 ;
  else if(action.type === "decrement-quantity")

  else if(action.type === "add-meal")
      state = [...state,[action.meal,1]];
  return state;

function App() {
  const [orderedMeals,dispatch] = useReducer(reducer,[]);
  const [openModal,setOpenModal] = useState(false);
  const [Quantity,setQuantity] = useState(0);

  const [isFetching,menu,setFetchedData,error]= useFetch(fetchMeals,[]);

  const onAddToCart = (meal) => {
    const mealFound = orderedMeals.find((mealPair) => {return mealPair[0] === meal;})
    const mealIndex = orderedMeals.indexOf(mealFound);
    if(mealFound === undefined)

i dont know hwo to fix this please help thank.