Autocomplete MUI is warning that I need a key for each child passed

I am using the Autocomplete component from MUI and am running into an issue where I am getting this warning:
Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique “key” prop.

I’ve already added keys to both renderOption and renderTags, but am still getting the warning message.

It is not breaking my code, but I like to keep warnings down to a minimum because usually they do start breaking things in production.

Please let me know any suggestions you have.

I’ve added keys to both renderOption and renderTags below and still get the error.

I tried the checked solution and the one below it from
this question but it did not seem to make a difference.

Here is my code:

 renderOption={(props, option)=>{
     const { key, ...restProps} = props;
     return (
         <li {...restProps} key={option.meetingId+key} style={{flexDirection: "column",         justifyContent: "flex-start"}}> 
         <Typography variant='subtitle1'>{option.title}</Typography>
         <Typography variant='caption'>{}&nbsp;-&nbsp;{option.startTime}</Typography>
 renderTags={(tagValue, getTagProps)=> {
    return, index)=>{
         const {key, ...restProps} = getTagProps({index});
          return <Chip {...restProps} key={key} label={option.title} />
 renderInput={(params, index)=> {
     return <TextField 

allMeetings is an object i am passing that has title, meetingId, start and endtime, and date.

key that I am getting from props is the title of the meeting object

in my db I am sure that meetingIds are unique and not duplicating.

For reference I’ve attached what logs in the console when I add a console.log(option) within renderOption. meetingId starts at meeting and continues as meeting-1, meeting-2, etc.
meeting object that is being passed through autocomplete