I am looking for models and examples of this application that will help me solve this exercise: [closed]

Project idea: “Secure Bank”
Problem: Securing financial transactions and sensitive banking information is an ongoing concern for both banks and customers. “SecureBank” is an application aimed at improving the security and convenience of online banking.

  1. Register and Login: Users can create an account and log in securely with: Use his details via message biometric data (such as fingerprint or facial recognition) for extra security. Message
  2. Transactions and Payments: Customers can manage accounts, transfer money to other accounts, view account statements and set up automatic payments.
  3. Security features: The app may include advanced security features such as fraud detection, two-step verification, and suspicious activity notifications.
    3-SecurityLog : Message
  4. Customer Service: Users can communicate with the bank’s customer service directly through the app for questions and support.
  5. Administrator: Entity may be needed if there are specific privileges or authorities that are not performed by regular users (“User”). This entity may be responsible for administrative tasks such as setting security parameters, user management, and so on.
  6. Security” may be responsible for aspects such as access control, security settings and log keeping.
    “Administrator” would then have specific administrative rights, including access to security settings. It is important to clearly define the relationships between these entities, for example how “User” and “Administrator” are related to “Security”.
    User roles:
  7. Customer: Can manage bank accounts, make transactions and use security features.
  8. Bank clerk: Can handle customer requests, validate transactions and provide support through the app.
    Data storage:
    The application stores data about user profiles, financial transactions, account balances, security logs and customer service calls. This data translates to entities such as “User,” “Transaction,” “Account,” “Security Log,” and “Customer Service Call.”
    “SecureBank” aims to make online banking more secure and user-friendly. It offers advanced security features to protect customers’ financial data while simplifying access to banking services. This helps build trust between customers and their bank and reduces financial fraud.

Explaining Open Banking and API Security