Fullcalendar non-gregorian months

I am looking for a way to display a fullcalenar month grid divided by Hebrew calendar months.

I managed to display the hebrew date within the cells of the month grid view usign dayCellContent (including bootstrap classes):

//Array of letters representing the day of the month
const hebDateLetters = ['א', 'ב', 'ג', 'ד', 'ה', 'ו', 'ז', 'ח', 'ט', 'י', 'יא', 'יב', 'יג', 'יד', 'טו', 'טז', 'יז', 'יח', 'יט', 'כ', 'כא', 'כב', 'כג', 'כד', 'כה', 'כו', 'כז', 'כח', 'כט', 'ל',]; 


dayCellContent: (info)=>{
        var hebDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('he-IL-u-ca-hebrew', {day: 'numeric'}).format(info.date);
        var hebMonth = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('he-IL-u-ca-hebrew', {month: 'long'}).format(info.date);

        //Container element
        const container = document.createElement("div");
        container.setAttribute("class", "container p-1"); 

        //First row element
        const elRow1 = document.createElement("div");
        elRow1.setAttribute("class", 'row m-0 w-100');
        const elCol1 = document.createElement("div");
        elCol1.setAttribute("class", 'col p-0');
        elCol1.innerText = hebDate !=1 ? hebDateLetters[hebDate-1] : hebDateLetters[hebDate-1] + " " + hebMonth; // Condition to display Hebrew month name on first day of the month

        //Second row element
        const elRow2 = document.createElement("div");
        elRow2.setAttribute("class", 'row m-0 w-100');
        const elCol2 = document.createElement("div");
        elCol2.setAttribute("class", 'col p-0 c-date');
        elCol2.innerText = info.date.getDate();

        return {html: container.outerHTML};

This is what I achived

Calendar Image

My next step would be to display the months according to the Hebrew calendar. I’ve been trying to build a custom view as discribed here: Custom view with JS, but I’m not fully sure how to use this to achive what I’m looking for.