redirecting to the login page on onClick react

hasRole("HQADMIN", props.userDetails) || hasAdminRight("MANAGE_CUSTOMERS", props.userDetails) || hasRole("CALL_CENTER", props.userDetails) || hasRole("REPORT_CALL_CENTER", props.userDetails) ?
                <ListItem selected={location.pathname === '/admin/users'}
                    onClick={() => props.redirect('/admin/users')} button>
                        <i className="fa fa-user-circle" />
                    <ListItemText primary={<FormattedMessage id="sidebar.items.admin.users" defaultMessage="Users" />} />
                </ListItem> : null}

                {hasRole("MANAGE_USER_FORMS", props.userDetails) ? 
                <ListItem selected={location.pathname === '/admin/userforms'}
                    onClick={() => props.redirect('/admin/userforms')} button>
                        <i className="fa fa-user-circle" />
                    <ListItemText primary={<FormattedMessage id="sidebar.items.admin.userforms" defaultMessage="Manage User Forms" />} />
            : null}

Here is the router configurations for my app

<ConnectedRouter history={props.history}>
                            <Route path="/dashboard" component={DashBoardPage}/>
                            <Route path="/reports" component={ReportsPage}/>
                            <Route path="/login" component={LoginPage}/>
                            <Route path="/p3/invoice" component={P3InvoicePage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/rda" component={RdaPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/users" component={AdminUsersPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/notifications" component={AdminNotificationsPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/charities" component={AdminCharitiesPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/billers" component={AdminBillersPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/documents" component={DocumentsPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/branches" component={BranchesPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/banks" component={BanksPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/change_requests" component={ChangeRequestsPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/portal_users" component={UsersPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/globals" component={GlobalsPage}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/blacklist" component={Blacklist}/>
                            <Route path="/admin/userforms" component={AdminUserForm}/>
                            <Route path="*" component={NotFoundPage}/>
                        <div style={{position: "absolute", left: "30px", bottom: "30px", fontSize: "60px", opacity: "0.1", fontWeight: "900", userSelect: "none", pointerEvents: "none", zIndex: 100000}}>
                            {(env.NODE_ENV && env.NODE_ENV !== "prod") ? env.NODE_ENV.toUpperCase() : ""}<br/>

there are two things here the one with the above i call it when one of them condition is true and the below one i call when role is MANAGE_USER_FORMS but when i click on the Manage User Forms tab it redirects me to the login page why is this happening if it is because of adminRights then CALL_CENTER role also does not have a admin rights it’s null sem for MANAGE_USER_FORMS but the problem i seeing is it remove my auth-token from the sessionStorage that’s why it redirects me to the login page