App Script – Copy and past function is moving data to the row below

I have found a script to copy the range data one sheet (Name My Sheet dataBase) to another sheet (Name My Sheet Destiny) in the first cell and than each one after when it runs.

But, when pasting the data range for “#column1 – #column15”, it copy to row A3 instead of to past to row A2 because in the #column17 i need the formula to calculate the due date of when data it copied.

I did get to explain what is happening and what I need to do to adjust the function?


enter image description here

const app = SpreadsheetApp;
const ss = app.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("Name My Sheet dataBase");
const lastrowD = sheetD.getLastRow();
const dados = sheet1.getRange("A2:O" + lastrowD).getValues();
const ssB = app.openById("ID My Sheet Destiny");
const sheetB = ssB.getSheetByName("Name My Sheet Destiny");
const lastrowB = sheetB.getLastRow()+1;
sheetB.getRange(lastrowB, 1, lastrowD - 1, 15).setValues(dados);