Qrcode.js library Pros and Cons [closed]

Please help me clarify some of my doubts regarding the qrcode.js library.

  1. Does it provide long-term stability, at least for more than 3 years?
  2. For how long will the qrcode library/CDN remain active and working?
  3. Are there any limitation of this library/cdn?
  4. If there are any changes to this library in the future, such as a version update, will it is cause any issue with the generated QR
    code? or my functionality.
    5.Can we edit the generated QR code if it is required in the future?
  5. What are its features?
  6. Can anyone provide me with the pros and cons of the qrcode js library ?
  7. I am using this cdn in my code:- “https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/qrcodejs/1.0.0/qrcode.min.js

Please help me by providing answers to my question

I was trying to find answers to my doubts regarding the qrcode.js library in its documentation, but I couldn’t find answers to my questions anywhere.