How do I prevent re rendering due to helper functions from a context provider in react?

I have been trying to optimise the my react code, my goal is to make sure existing toast components don’t re render when new ones are added. or when I delete one toast, rest of them don’t re render. all toasts live in toast provider.

current behaviour:

whenever I add a new toast, existing ones get re rendered.

whenever I remove a toast, the remaining ones get re rendered again.

Let me show some code first (only relevant part):


function ToastProvider({ children }) {
  const [toasts, setToasts] = useState([])
  const memoisedClearToast = React.useCallback(() => setToasts([]), [])
  useKeyDown("Escape", memoisedClearToast)

  const addToast = (toast) => {
    setToasts([...toasts, toast]);

  const dismissToast = (toastId) => {
    const nextToasts = [...toasts]
    const filtered = nextToasts.filter((toast) => !== toastId)

  const value = React.useCallback({ toasts, addToast, dismissToast }, [toasts])

  return (
    <ToastContext.Provider value={value}>


function ToastShelf() {
  const {toasts} = useContext(ToastContext)
  console.log(`toast shelf render`)
  return (
      { => {
        return (
          <li key={}>
export default React.memo(ToastShelf);


function Toast({ id, variant, message }) {
  const { dismissToast } = useContext(ToastContext)
  console.log(`toast render`)
  return (
      <button onClick={() => dismissToast(id)}>
        <X size={24} />
export default React.memo(Toast);

All Toasts are getting re rendered whenever I add a toast, looking at the code, only prop that’s changing is coming via context and it’s dismissToast function. How can I make sure, that whenever new Toast is added to the toasts array in context, components depending only on the dismissToast function don’t get a fresh copy of dismissFunction ? The existing toasts don’t need to re render whenever new one is added right?

I haven’t been able to find a way around this. I have tried memoizing the value prop that is given to the context provider.