How to remove a item from one object and then add that item to another object of same array in javascript?

I want to remove an item from one object and then add that item to another object of the same array in JavaScript. In the following array, I want to remove 2163 item from column-1 object. and then add 2163 to column-2 itemids.

    "id": "column-1",
    "title": "New",
    "itemIds": [
    "id": "column-2",
    "title": "Active",
    "itemIds": [
    "id": "column-3",
    "title": "Resolved",
    "itemIds": [
    "id": "column-4",
    "title": "Closed",
    "itemIds": [

I tried the following code

        let activeitemId = 2163;
        let truncatedvalue= columns[indexOfactiveColumn].itemIds.filter(function(e) { 
        return e !== activeitemId })
        let addedvalue =    [...columns[indexOfoverColumn].itemIds,activeitemId];
         const label = 'itemIds';
        const newValue = truncatedvalue;
        const addednewvalue = addedvalue;
        const updatedArray = [
          ...columns.slice(0, indexOfactiveColumn),
            [label]: newValue,
          ...columns.slice(indexOfactiveColumn + 1),

