hello, i can’t post data ke web server because the cors is blocking, what should i do? [duplicate]

new:1 Access to fetch at ‘http://localhost:5000/notes’ from origin ‘http://notesapp-v1.dicodingacademy.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: The request client is not a secure context and the resource is in more-private address space local

my code :

const Hapi = require("@hapi/hapi");
const routes = require("./routes");

const init = async () => {
  const server = Hapi.server({
    port: 5000,
    host: "localhost",
    routes: {
      cors: {
        origin: ["*"],


  await server.start();
  console.log(`running server in ${server.info.uri}`);


i try using cors origin in hapi framework but not still work,