I am learning to make a website usign nodejs, express, mongoose, handlebars. trouble deleting a reply to a comment on a webpage

I am learning to create a website that allows users to post blogs, users to comment on the blogs and users to reply to those comments. I have used replies[this] in the comment schema to deal with replies to comments. But I am having trouble being able to allow the user to delete these replies. Here is my server side code to delete comments and replies.

// Delete a specific comment or reply
app.get('/deleteComment/:postId/:commentId', requireLogin, async (req, res) => {
    try {
        const currentUser = req.user; 
        const { replyId } = req.query; 
        const foundPost = await Post.findById(req.params.postId);
        if (replyId) {  // If it's a reply
            const comment = foundPost.comments.id(req.params.commentId);
            const reply = comment.replies.id(replyId);
            // Check if the user is the author of the reply
            if (reply.commentUser.toString() !== currentUser._id.toString()) {
                return res.status(403).send('Permission denied: You can only delete your own replies.');

        } else {  // It's a top-level comment
            const comment = foundPost.comments.id(req.params.commentId);

            // Check if the user is the author of the comment
            if (comment.commentUser.toString() !== req.user._id.toString()) {
                return res.status(403).send('Permission denied: You can only delete your own comments.');

        await foundPost.save();
        res.status(200).send('Deleted successfully');
    } catch (err) {
        res.status(500).send("An error occurred");

Here is my front end,

  <a href="#" onclick="deleteComment('{{../post._id}}', '{{_id}}')">
            <i class="fa fa-trash post-icons"></i>
  function deleteComment(postId, commentId) {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open('GET', `/deleteComment/${postId}/${commentId}`, true);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
            if (xhr.status === 200) {
            } else if (xhr.status === 403) {
                alert('Permission denied: You can only delete your own comments.');
            } else {
                alert('An error occurred while deleting the comment.');

Replies are stored as objects in an array inside the comments array in mongoose
comments: Array
0: Object
commentUser ObjectId: 650
commentBody: “Hello World”
dateCreated: 2023
replies: Array
0: Object
commentUser: Object
commentBody: “Hello World Replies”
dateCreated: 2023

Every time I try to delete a reply, I get 404 errors. I can delete comments, its just replies. I have tried numerous thing like changing routes and functions to include replyId but it just keeps giving the 404 error. Any ideas why its not working?

I have tried numerous thing like changing routes and functions to include replyId.