why can’t I make a request from a bat file to the truffle console

I have a sol contract and I want to vote through truffle,but I want to try to do it using a bat file

@echo off

echo Enter your account address:
set /p account=""
echo Enter your password:
set /p password=""

echo Attaching to Geth and unlocking the account...
geth attach \.pipegeth.ipc --exec "personal.unlockAccount('%account%', '%password%', 0)"

cd "E:\finishmyTruffle"

echo Deploying contracts...

echo Do you agree to perform this action? (Y/N)
choice /c YN /n

if errorlevel 2 (
    echo "you voted against"
    truffle console --network geth --exec "let voting = await Voting.deployed()"; "voting.voteAgainst({from: '%account%'})"

) else (
    echo "you voted for"
    truffle console --network geth --exec "let voting = await Voting.deployed()"; "voting.voteFor({from:'%account%''})"

cmd /k

these lines don’t work:

truffle console --network geth --exec "let voting = await Voting.deployed()"; "voting.voteAgainst({from: '%account%'})"

I don’t use bat files for a long time and thought that –exec would give access with the work of the js console