How do I get the resolved result from a Promise?

I have a razor page with the following code:

    private IJSRuntime jsRuntime{ get; set; }

    private string jsonString {get;set;}

    protected override async void OnInitialized()
        string json = await jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("initializeElkJs", jsonString);

    public static Task DrawGraph(string json)
        int a = 0;
        return null;

And a JavaScript function as the following:

window.initializeElkJs = function (jsonData)
    const graph = JSON.parse(jsonData);

    const elk = new ELK();
    const layoutOptions = {
        'elk.algorithm': 'layered'

    let result = "";

    elk.layout(graph, layoutOptions)
        .then((g) =>
            //return JSON.stringify(g, null, " "); //Did not work
            result = JSON.stringify(g, null, " "); //Did not work
            //DotNet.invokeMethodAsync('BlazorServerTest', 'DrawGraph', JSON.stringify(g, null, " "));  //Did not work

    return result;  //Did not work

I need to get the result string back to the razor page so I could process it in it, but as you can see, none of the method I tried worked, I later find out that return in the then closure returns another Promise, I have also tried using await in JavaScript, but unfortunately that returns yet another Promise, and I can not find any way to “get out of the Promise“.

Could somebody please be so kind teaching me how to properly get the return string so I could process it in the razor page?

Thank you very much for your help!

PS. This is the elkjs library if needed, all you need is elk.bundled.js.