How to rename a file with Jquery before download it?

I have a html-jquery script to download a lot of files.
This files are downloades by calling the event onClick on all those url. They are automatically saved on Download folder. But I would like to rename the files before they are saved on Download dfolder.
How can I do it? This is my code:

<script src= 
<script id="funciones">
        var count = 0;
        function linkGen() {
            var requestId =[
            count = 0;
            var html = '';
            $.each(requestId, function (item, value) {
                var link = '' + value[0] + '&type=Note';
                var fileName = value[1] + '_' + getFileNameFromUrl(link);
                html += '<div><a href="' + link + '" id="link' + count + '" download="' + fileName + '" onclick="event.preventDefault();`' + link + '`, `_blank`);">Link ' + count + '</a></div>';
        function getFileNameFromUrl(url) {
            var parts = url.split("/");
            return parts[parts.length - 1];
        link = 0;
        function down() {
            if (link <= count) {
                var enlace = $('#link' + link).attr('href');
                $('#link' + link).click();
                console.log(link + ' - ' + enlace);
        function buttonOn() {
            setInterval(down, 1000);