I´m trying to fix an issue with a component whenever I click outside it´s window, it works as expected, except when I click on buttons from other components which have their own functionallity.
onClickOutside = (e) => {
const $container = $(`#${escapeDots(this.id)}`);
if (this.isEventOutsideElement($container, e)) {
if (e) {
This code manages the event when a click is outside my component which then closes it here
componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener('click', this.onClickOutside);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchOutside, true);
The issue I´m getting is here, where “element” is empty when I click on the buttons I mentioned, but when I click elsewhere it gets a div with length 1
isEventOutsideElement(element, event) {
return element.length && !element.is(event.target) && element.has(event.target).length === 0;
I´m not sure how can I make this component recognize those buttons so it closes before doing the actions built into the buttons.
I tried to implement a close action on the component where the other buttons are located but didn´t work