Function not mocked in jest and uses actual implementation

I have the following setup


import * as config from 'config';
import * as firebase from 'firebase-admin';

 * Abstracts the initialization and direct use of Firebase.
export class FirebaseClient {
    static initialized = false;

    static initialize() {
        if (!FirebaseClient.initialized) {
            const firebaseConfig: any = config.get('firebase');
                credential: firebase.credential.cert(JSON.parse(firebaseConfig.privateKey)),
                databaseURL: firebaseConfig.databaseUrl,
            FirebaseClient.initialized = true;


import * as firebase from 'firebase-admin';
import { Errors } from 'typescript-rest';
import { logger } from './logger';
import { Request } from 'express';
import { FirebaseClient } from './firebase.client';

 * @see
 * @param message
export async function requireAppCheck(req: Request) {
    FirebaseClient.initialize(); // Initialize FirebaseClient

I have authentication.controller.ts

import { Inject } from 'typescript-ioc';
import { PATCH, Path, Preprocessor } from 'typescript-rest';
import { requireAppCheck } from '../utils/auth-preprocessors';

export class AuthenticationController {

    public async myFunc(
    ): Promise<Response> {
        return await doSomething();

And in authentication.controller.spec.ts

import * as AuthProcessors from '../utils/auth-preprocessors';

describe.only('PATCH /path', () => {
    let requireAppCheckMock: jest.Mock;

    beforeEach(() => {
        requireAppCheckMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('someValue');
        jest.spyOn(AuthProcessors, 'requireAppCheck').mockImplementation(requireAppCheckMock);

    it.only('does stuff', async () => {
          const response = callController();

With this setup, I get the error below, which means that requireAppCheck is not being mocked correctly, and it uses the actual implementation (since it tries to call FirebaseClient.initialize)

   text: '{"status":500,"error":"Internal server error","stack":"SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input\n    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)\n    at Function.FirebaseClient.initialize (/path/to/firebase.client.ts:14:59)"}'*

I also tried doing

    jest.mock('./../utils/auth-preprocessors', () => ({
        requireAppCheck: requireAppCheckMock

But I get the same result.