I’m working on a React Native app with React Navigation v5 but I’m unable to get my desired behaviour.
- I have a Stack Navigator with three screens: “A”, “B”, and “C”.
- C is a nested Stack Navigator with two screens: “C-1”, and “C-2”.
Here is all of my desired behaviour:
- If a user taps on the button in B, it should open C-1 if there is no previous navigation state in that nested navigator, otherwise it should open the last active/opened screen (e.g. C-2).
- If a user presses the button in C-2, it should take them directly back to screen B (i.e. inside the parent navigator). You can think of this as a close button to immediately go back to B.
- After navigating to C-2 from B, pressing the back button in the header should take me back to C-1, not B.
How should I handle these requirements? I’m facing multiple challenges – for example, when I navigate to C-2 from B, passing C and C-2 as the destination screen, the header back button doesn’t work as expected. It takes me back to B instead of C-1.
Heres the code…
Create the two stacks:
const HomeStack = createStackNavigator();
const CStack = createStackNavigator();
Create the parent stack:
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forHorizontalIOS,
<HomeStack.Screen name="A">
{props => (
<Text>A content</Text>
<HomeStack.Screen name="B">
{props => (
title="Navigate to C"
onPress={() => {
// props.navigation.navigate('C')
// OR
// props.navigation.navigate('C', {screen: 'C-2'});
<HomeStack.Screen name="C">
{props => <C {...props} />}
Create the nested stack:
class C extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
headerShown: false,
cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forHorizontalIOS,
<CStack.Screen name="C-1">
{props => (
<CStack.Screen name="C-2">
{props => (
title="Close C navigator"
onPress={() => props.navigation.navigate('B')}
<CStack.Screen name="C-3">
{props => (
Thanks for your help!