all the variables I get return undefined in the api rest

I have accionController and accionService, and my goal is to bring the actionsService stuff into actionsControllers to use it in the “data:” response but whenever I try to get something, it returns undefined in the console, this is what accionController looks like:

const getAccion = async (req, res) => {
  const { id_accion } = req.params;
  if (!id_accion ) {
     return res.status(400).send({
            status: "error",
            data:{ error: "Parametro ':id_accion' no puede estar vacio" }
try {
    const accion = await accionesService.getAccion(id_accion);
    res.send(  { status: "OK", data: accion });
} catch (error) {
        .status(error?.status || 500)
        .send({ status: "error", data: { error: error?.message || error} });

and this is how accionService looks like:

const getAccion = async (id_accion) => {
  let conn;
  try {
        conn = await pool.getConnection();
        const rows = await conn.query("SELECT * FROM accion WHERE id_accion=?", [id_accion]);
        await conn.end();
    if (rows.length > 0) {
      const accion = rows[0];
      return accion;
    } else {
        console.log("No se encontró ninguna fila con el ID de acción proporcionado.");
        return null;
  } catch (err) {
     throw err;
  } finally {
     if (conn) return conn.end();

The response of console.log(accion); in accionesService it looks like this { id_accion: 2n, descripcion: 'prueba2' } and the response in accionesController looks like this undefined
this is my first time working with API Rest in node.js an i relly don’t know what is causing this

I thought that with this const action = await actionsService.getAction(id_action); it would be brought correctly, but it didn’t work, my theory is that it is a problem of the async, but I don’t know how to solve it.