NavLink Active not working for nested routes

Hello Stackoverflow community

I am trying to make my nested route tab active when first displayed but it does not become active unless clicked. If I change anything the parent route becomes inactive.


  <Route path="account" element={ <Account />}  >
    <Route index element={ <Profile />}  />
    <Route path="profile" element={ <Profile />}  />
    <Route path="key" element={ <Key />}  />

The reason I have profile as index is because I want that tab to be open as default when user navigates to /account from the left nav.

<NavLink to='account' className="nav-link" activeclassname="active">

By default the profile component is loaded which is great but I have another tab inside to switch between profile and key and that is where the profile is not highlighted/active.


  <Header title="Account" />
    <NavAccount />

Account.js is the page that displays the nested routes swticher for the user.


    <ul className="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
       <li className="nav-item">
         <NavLink to='profile' className="nav-link" id='profileTab' data-bs-toggle="pill"  activeclassname="active">
       <li className="nav-item">
         <NavLink to='key' className="nav-link" id='apiKeyTab' data-bs-toggle="pill"  activeclassname="active">
           <span>API Key</span>

  <Outlet />

As you can see below, the profile tab when first displayed it not active until clicked.

enter image description here