I am using this javascript to blow up an image upon click:
function zoomIn(event) {
var element = event.target;
// Create a new image element for the zoomed image
var zoomedImage = new Image();
zoomedImage.src = element.src;
// Append the zoomed image to the body
function zoomOut(event) {
var element = event.target;
// Remove the zoomed image from the page
var zoomedImage = document.querySelector(".zoomed-image");
if (zoomedImage && zoomedImage.parentNode === document.body) {
element.removeEventListener("dblclick", zoomOut);
It creates a new blown up image, but the double click won’t remove it.
I tried just using the remove.Child section, and it started removing the original images from my page, but with all the code now just nothing happens on double click.