i am trying to save a vcard on users phone (IOS & ANDROID). I am using this code
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
// Contact Information
var contact = {
// create a vcard file
var vcard = "BEGIN:VCARDnVERSION:3.0n"
+ "N:" + contact.name + ";;;n"
+ "FN:" + contact.name + "n"
+ "TEL;CELL:" + contact.phone + "n"
+ "TEL;CELL:" + contact.mobile + "n"
+ "EMAIL;HOME:" + contact.email + "n"
+ "ADR;HOME:" + contact.address + "n"
+ "ORG;WORK:" + contact.organization + "n"
+ "TITLE:" + contact.title + "n"
+ "URL:" + contact.url + "n"
+ "NOTE:" + contact.notes + "n"
// var vcard = "BEGIN:VCARDnVERSION:4.0nFN:" + contact.name + "nTEL;TYPE=work,voice:" + contact.phone + "nEMAIL:" + contact.email + "nEND:VCARD";
var blob = new Blob([vcard], { type: "text/vcard" });
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const newLink = document.createElement('a');
newLink.download = contact.name + ".vcf";
newLink.textContent = contact.name;
newLink.href = url;
// window.close();
And it works, but this code on android phone first download a vcard and later users need to make a click on download to make import. What i want is when user go to this page , my contact save automatically on android without downloading any File. (On IOS is not a problem couse when user go to this web they redirect automatically to import contact)
I have sow before an example with qr code. When i scan qr code they redirect me to import contact and what i need to do is only to click save
on my phone