Starting from the end:
I’m trying to create something like this:
<td id="Cell_0">AAA - 0</td>
<td id="Cell_1">BBB - 1</td>
<td id="Cell_2">CCC - 2</td>
<td id="Cell_3">DDD - 3</td>
<td id="Cell_4">EEE - 4</td>
But this is what I’m getting instead:
<td id="Cell_4">EEE - 4</td>
<td id="Cell_3">DDD - 3</td>
<td id="Cell_2">CCC - 2</td>
<td id="Cell_1">BBB - 1</td>
<td id="Cell_0">AAA - 0</td>
I have a txt file in a server with a simple list of names, say 5 names:
My code retrieves that data from the server and then creates a table to display that data.
The table is created setting id’s to its cells, according to the number of names in the txt file.
The cells are created in a “for loop”, with ids numbered from zero to the maximum number of names (minus 1).
The user can add/delete names to/from that list, which is then saved back in the server (the txt file).
The problem is: even though the loop starts from zero, the ids are created in a reverse order, so are the names listed in a reverse order.
The td cells are created on the fly, using javascript, but if I code the table with html and just make the code fullfill the data retrieved then it all works just fine.
This is the code I use:
<tbody id="My_Table">
<tbody id="My_Table">
<td id="Cell_0"></td>
<td id="Cell_1"></td>
<td id="Cell_2"></td>
<td id="Cell_3"></td>
<td id="Cell_4"></td>
var sNames, iTotal;
fRetrive_Data_From_Server("Names.txt", fCallback_Names);
function fRetrive_Data_From_Server(sFile, fFunction){
let httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", sFile);
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0');
httpRequest.onload = fFunction;
function fCallback_Names(){
let sData_Temp = this.response;
sNames = sData_Temp .split(",");
iTotal = sNames.length;
// fFill_Table();
function fCreate_Table(){
let hTable = document.getElementById("My_Table");
let hRow, hCell;
for (let iElement = 0; iElement < iTotal; iElement++){
hRow = hTable.insertRow(0);
hCell = hRow.insertCell(0);
hCell.setAttribute("id", "Cell_" + iElement);
hCell.innerHTML = sNames [iElement] + " - " + iElement;
function fFill_Table(){
let hTable = document.getElementById("My_Table");
let hCell;
for (let iElement = 0; iElement < iTotal; iElement++){
hCell = document.getElementById("Cell_" + iElement );
hCell.innerHTML = sNames [iElement] + " - " + iElement;
If I use HTML 2 and call fFill_Table the code works as expected, so the table are shown as EXPECTED RESULT.
But I need to use HTML 1 and call fCreate_Table, which gives me WRONG RESULT.
How to make the code in fCreate_Table to show the names from 0 to 4?