Compare and merge array of objects in Javascript if first object does not contain objects from second array

I want to compare and add elements from second array into first whichever objects or nested objects are not present into first array of object.

`let obj1 = [
“_id”: “63eb2c20fd30492730e203bb”,
“name”: “name 01”,
“isActive”: true,
“locations”: [],
“code”: “888888”
“_id”: “638482b90b6d64eccee23be7”,
“name”: “name 02”,
“isActive”: true,
“locations”: [
“primaryContact”: {
“name”: “name 03”,
“designation”: “”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “+1 845566 556”,
“isBilling”: true
“_id”: “638484359f153cecd64212a8”
“primaryContact”: {
“name”: “name 04”,
“designation”: “”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “(000) 000-0000”,
“isBilling”: true
“_id”: “638484359f153cecd6464789”
“primaryContact”: {
“name”: “name 05”,
“designation”: “”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “(000) 000-0000”,
“isBilling”: true
“_id”: “638484359f153cecd65843a8”

let obj2=[
“_id”: “63eb2c20fd30492730e203bb”,
“name”: “name 01”,
“isActive”: true,
“locations”: [],
“code”: “888888”
“_id”: “638482b90b6d64eccee23be7”,
“name”: “name 02”,
“isActive”: true,
“locations”: [
“primaryContact”: {
“name”: “name 03”,
“designation”: “”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “+1 845566 556”,
“isBilling”: true
“_id”: “638484359f153cecd64212a8”
“primaryContact”: {
“name”: “name 08”,
“designation”: “”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “(000) 000-0000”,
“isBilling”: true
“_id”: “638484359f153ferg52a8”
“_id”: “63eb2c20hijkl920e203bb”,
“name”: “name 10”,
“isActive”: true,
“locations”: [],
“code”: “888888”
We can see that in obj2 there is one child object which is not present and one object which is not present in obj1.

Expecteed Output:
let output = [ { "_id": "63eb2c20fd30492730e203bb", "name": "name 01", "isActive": true, "locations": [], "code": "888888" }, { "_id": "638482b90b6d64eccee23be7", "name": "name 02", "isActive": true, "locations": [ { "primaryContact": { "name": "name 03", "designation": "", "email": "", "phone": "+1 845566 556", "isBilling": true }, "_id": "638484359f153cecd64212a8" }, { "primaryContact": { "name": "name 04", "designation": "", "email": "", "phone": "(000) 000-0000", "isBilling": true }, "_id": "638484359f153cecd6464789" }, { "primaryContact": { "name": "name 05", "designation": "", "email": "", "phone": "(000) 000-0000", "isBilling": true }, "_id": "638484359f153cecd65843a8" }, { "primaryContact": { "name": "name 08", "designation": "", "email": "", "phone": "(000) 000-0000", "isBilling": true }, "_id": "638484359f153ferg52a8" } ] }, { "_id": "63eb2c20hijkl920e203bb", "name": "name 10", "isActive": true, "locations": [], "code": "888888" } ]