I have a button that toggles my background, how would i be able to save the opacity of the background so you dont have to push the button to disable/enable it every time you load the a new page/refresh the page.
<div id="bg" style="transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;" class="bg"></div>
<button class="bg-toggle" id="test-button">
<button class="bg-toggle" style="background-color: red; left: 95%;" id="test-button2">
const bg = document.querySelector('#bg');
bg.style.opacity = '100%';
const testBtn = document.querySelector('#test-button');
const testBtn2 = document.querySelector('#test-button2')
testBtn2.style.opacity = '0';
testBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
bg.style.opacity = '0%';
testBtn.style.opacity = '0%';
testBtn.style.top = '-10000%';
testBtn2.style.opacity = '100%';
testBtn2.style.top = '92%';
testBtn2.addEventListener('click', () => {
bg.style.opacity = '100%';
testBtn.style.opacity = '100%';
testBtn.style.top = '92%';
testBtn2.style.top = '-10000%';
testBtn2.style.opacity = '0';
I have no idea where to start