Using a function parameter to change background color

I don’t know if I am making a syntax error or if the logic is wrong here, however I am trying to use the functions parameter to give this component a background color.

My function:

function CreateTouchables({text}, {colour}) {
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity style={[buttons.buttonSize, {backgroundColor: {colour}}]}>
      <Text style={[buttons.text, {fontSize: 40}]}>

Where the function is being called

<View style={[style.operators, style.general, style.bottomPadding]}>
  <CreateTouchables text={'/'} colour='orange'/>
  <CreateTouchables text={'X'} colour='orange'/>
  <CreateTouchables text={'-'} colour='orange'/>
  <CreateTouchables text={'+'} colour='orange'/>
  <CreateTouchables text={'='} colour='orange'/>