sum of textboxes with javascript and using comma instead of dot in decimal numbers

I found a code block on the web that does the sum of textboxes. This block of code looked exactly what I was looking for, but I need to use commas instead of dots, and I even need to prevent the entry of periods in textboxes. unfortunately my javascript knowledge is very amateur and i don’t know how to do this. can you help me with this

        <title>Sum Html Textbox Values using jQuery/JavaScript</title>
            body {
                font-family: sans-serif;
            #summation {
                font-size: 18px;
                font-weight: bold;
            .txt {
                background-color: #FEFFB0;
                font-weight: bold;
                text-align: right;
        <script src=""></script>
<table width="300px" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse;background-color:#E8DCFF">
        <td width="40px">1</td>
        <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>
        <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>
        <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>
        <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>
        <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>
        <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>
    <tr id="summation">
        <td align="right">Sum :</td>
        <td align="center"><span id="sum">0</span></td>
        //iterate through each textboxes and add keyup
        //handler to trigger sum event
        $(".txt").each(function() {
    function calculateSum() {
        var sum = 0;
        //iterate through each textboxes and add the values
        $(".txt").each(function() {
            //add only if the value is number
            if(!isNaN(this.value) && this.value.length!=0) {
                sum += parseFloat(this.value);
        //.toFixed() method will roundoff the final sum to 2 decimal places

jsfiddle link