Is i++ in any immaginable scenario slower/same as/faster than ++i?

(I’m assuming the old value of i is not needed, so i++ and ++i should at most affect performance.)

Then thing is, I’ve seen a counter incremented like this in code


and it left me wondering: should I suggest to write ++i; because given the semantics of pre-increment and post-increment there’s no reason to believe that ++i could ever be slower than i++, whereas there is a little chance that i++ is indeed slower?

My double stems from what I know of C++, and which mostly applies for non-builtin types (see here).

But I don’t know enough of JavaScript.

As state above, exactly because I don’t know the answer as whether i++ is slower than ++i or not, I’d write ++i because I assume it can’t be slower than i++ (otherwise what starnge language would JavaScript be?).