Search button not working on pressing a second time (`addEventListener`)

I have a search field (input of type text) and a search button, as follows:

<div id = 'results-container'> 
    <input type="text" placeholder="Search..." id="search-bar">
    <button type="submit" id="search">Search</button>

in my HTML. Correspondingly, the JavaScript file looks like this:

const searchButton = document.getElementById('search');
const searchField = document.getElementById('search-bar');
const output = document.getElementById('results-container');
searchButton.addEventListener('click', getSongs);

function getSongs() {
    /* do something */

where “do something” is effectively to fetch data from the iTunes API and append it to the body of output (using output.innerHTML += "foo").

On reloading a page, the first search attempt runs properly–I enter a value, and click on the search button, and results show up, as expected. However, if I now enter another value into the search bar and press ‘Search’, nothing happens (I think: there are no console logs).

What could possibly be the issue?